State Requirements
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If you would like to register for a class by email, please fill in the form below and send it to us. You will get a response within a couple of days (please allow a few days more if it is during any holidays). If that doesn't happen, please get in touch, just to make sure you didn't head for the Spam Lot! Include a message in the comment section if you'd like, if there's anything specific we should know. Please remember to fill out the form with the information of the student that will be taking the class, not the parent's name (that may be included in the comments section if you are looking for information).

Please make sure to include your city and zip code when filling in your address.

Remember, to take segment 1, you must be at least 14 years and 8 months old by the first day of class. To get a little help figuring that out, the following link takes you to a couple of links posted by the State of Michigan. You can click on those to see what the cutoff date is for birthdays for each class starting date.


To register for segment 2, you must have completed segment 1, taken your certificate given in class to the Secretary of State office and exchanged it for a Level 1 License. Then you must have driven on that Level 1 License for at least 3 continuous months and 30 hours, 2 of them at night, to be eligible for segment 2.