State Requirements
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Adult Lessons
Class Calendar
Prices & Policies
Road Tests

Segment 1: $285 

Occasionally, we run specials at different locations. Watch our home page for yours!

Segment 2, all locations: $40.00

Adult Lessons: call for information

If you have more than one child taking a segment 1 class at the same time, give us a call. We know how hard it is to raise a family, and we provide a special discount for siblings - parents have it tough enough!



Segment 1:
Checks, cash, or money orders are accepted for class fees for segment 1.

Segment 2: Payment for segment 2 must be cash, or money order only; checks are not accepted due to the short processing time.

Adult Lessons: Cash payment for each hour must be made at the beginning of the driving lesson.

Payment by debit or charge card:  Charge cards will no longer be accepted as of January 1, 2017, due to excessive rates being charged by our provider. We apologize for the inconvenience.



Segment 1:

If pre-payment has been made, we will refund 100% of the payment if you must cancel your registration, prior to the first day of class. Once class has begun, if you drop during the first 3 days, 80% will be refunded.

During the 4th through 9th classes, 50% is refundable. If dropping once driving time has begun, you will be charged $40 per hour of completed driving time. This amount will be deducted from the refund due to you.

Segment 2:

Prior to class beginning, if you prepaid, you will receive 100% refund. Once class has begun, you will receive 80% refund if you drop for any acceptable reason.



When possible, our teachers will pick up students for drive times at home or at school, unless you are leaving for your drive time right from class. (During our busy seasons, the teacher may ask that all drivers be dropped off and picked up at the school, due to tight scheduling) Unfortunately, if you live too far from the class site, that may not be an option, given time and driving constraints. If the teacher arrives at your home for your scheduled drive time and you are not there or available, that privilege will no longer be extended to you; you will need to find your own way to and from the meeting location (usually the location of class). If you no-show more than once, the teacher has the right to drop you from the class, with the above refund policy to be followed, and the missed driving sessions counting as hours of driving ($40 each deducted from any refund due you).

If you are old enough to take driver education, you are old enough to be responsible, and not waste everyone's time and gas money. YOU choose the drive times; you need to honor them to the best of your ability.



If you have to be removed from class at the request of the instructor, the school, or other host location, due to improper behavior, no refund will be issued. Your parent will be called and you will be removed immediately.

We expect that your behavior in class is no less than the standard expected in a high school classroom. In order to be a licensed driver, you take on a huge responsibility, and immature, irresponsible, and distracting behavior is dangerous; it will not be accepted or allowed in class or in the car. In case of property damage of any kind, your name and contact information will be passed on to the hosting school's administration, and you/your parent will be held personally responsible for the damage.